November 2021 edition.
Short- Term
- Building a world class business
Jon-jon Smit, Executive, Head Sales and Marketing at CIB - Insuring the movers of people
Rajen Govender, MD at Mobility Insuranc Underwriting Manager - Cyber: Pushed over the edge
Ethan Pitts, Senior Underwriter for PI and Cyber at the EMEA Region for AIG - Why businesses need tailor made insurance solution.
Bertus Visser, Chief Executive of Distribution - Understanding Sasria Cover
Sasria SOC Ltd - World Disaster Reduction Day- How Data Helps Mitigate Risk
- Countering the ransomware pandemic
Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) - Risk Management Must Address Shifting Nature of Business Volatility
AON - Electric vehicle can affect insurance
Wynand van Vuuren, Client experience partner, King Price - Heavy Vehicle transport – Economic Lifeblood
Dean Robertson, MD, BrokerserV

November 2021 edition.
Liability Feature.
- The ever changing liability landscape is ever changing
Beruts Visser, Chief Executive of Distribution at PSG Insure - Liability insurance is a growing risk
Thokozile Mahlangu Chief Executive Officer at Insurance Institute of South Africa - The product recall realm of liabilities
Jacques Stahl, Brytes ProductSpecialist Underwriter - Personal Liability Insurance and How to mitigate pontential Liability
Soul Abrahm, Chief Executive RetailInsurance at Old Mutual Insure - The role and importance of Medico-legal insurance
Alex Brownlee, Executive for EthiQal and Group Health Actuary at Constantia group

November 2021 edition.
Investment Planning.
- The most important question for your client’s investment journey
Sonja Saunderson, Chief Investmengt Officer at Momemntum Investment - Offshore Diversification over the long-term beats timing the rand
Anil Thakersee, Executive Marketing & Business Development - How retail investors can” invest for the good”
Fran Troskie, Investment Research, Riscura - Rapid change requires advice
Steven Amey, Discovery Invest - Is long-term investment advice really worth the cost? Pieter Hugo, MD of Prudential Unit Trust
- Investment lessons ahead of the festive season Allan Gray
- Every investment journey begins with long-term goals Nishaan Desai, Divisional Executive: InvestmentPortfolio Solution at Liberty

November 2021 edition.
Financial Planning
- Treasury’s two-bucket system likely to triple future pension
Natasha Huggett- Henchie Retirement Matters Committee, ASSA, Principal Consulting Actuary from NMGConsultant and Actuaries - True test successful Wealth creation
Adriaan Pask, Chief Investment Officer at PSG Wealth - Closing the (gender ) investment gap
Wendy Foley, Financial Planner at GIB Financial Service - Pension: How to successfully fund Africa Africa over time
Gerald Gondo, Business Development Executive (Africa) at Riscura - Reality check: Are you underinsured?
Priya Naicker, Head of Strategic Retail Marketing at Old Mutual

November 2021 edition.
- SMEs urged to “cash in” on cashless ( Business partners)
Jeremy Lang, General Manager at Business Partner Limited - Are financial service adapting to digital transformation fast enough
Brent Haumann, Managing Director at Striata - Fighting Cyber Risks from the inside out
Craig Olivier, Co-CEO at Genasys Technologies and Leroy Koster, the head of information security at Genasys Technologies - The many ways to add value in the tech space
Edgar Maistry, MD at JumpCo - Insurtech21 Rapid Fire
Tavio Rox, CEO, OWLS Software - Claim time is brand building time
Wimpie van der Merwe, CEO at Global Choices

November 2021 edition.
- Risk factor of stroke not just for over sixties Started
Dr. Kerissa Naidoo, Chief Medical Officer at Old Mutual - The role of bank Chief Risk Officers
Jacques Muller, PwC Africa’s Financial Services Risk and Regulation Leader - Manpower versus Machines
Richard Rattue, Managing Director of Compli- Serve South Africa - Winners announced for 2021 Santam Women of the Future Awards