By: Christelle Colman, Insurance Expert, Old Mutual Insure

We currently find ourselves in extremely unusual times and it is definitely not business as usual.
With anything we put out now, we have to remember that people are extremely anxious and concerned. If you are promoting your brand or that of your company you will need to rethink your current campaigns.
For our broker entrepreneurs it is a tough time to sell now. They will have to be careful about sales type posts. They need to be done in a way that takes into account the mood of the audience. If you want to communicate, make sure you have a message and a personal campaign that takes the mood into account. I want to look forward, at what comes after all this. Professionals must be careful not to be too negative, setting themselves up for a tougher time when COVID-19 is past us.
This period is an incredible period to build a lasting connection
with clients. How to use this time most effectively should be the focus. In our case we focused on our brokers and making things as easy as possible for them. We are helping our brokers as much as possible, especially to help them stay positive. Investing in your brand and working towards coming out a stronger brand, even if business is badly impacted, is imperative.
Every single message must start with empathy and a real human touch. Think about how this is affecting the reader’s world and speak to that. Insurers are seen as those companies who come to assistance when bad things happen. Right now it is very difficult for us to solve all the problems, so it is very important to manage expectations.
The Old Mutual brand has been through many global challenges and came through it. We will successfully navigate this one as well.