By: Edwyn O’Neill, CEO, Bryte

Effective Leadership especially through uncertain times
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by the proverbial storm. Even the most (seemingly) resilient of businesses are having to navigate through a state of ongoing flux. COVID-19 is a stark reminder of our vulnerability as humans but it is an even more tremendous affirmation of our endurance, solidarity and immense compassion.
Understandably, more so than ever before, inspirational and decisive leadership is being increasingly sought to weather this storm. While there is no magic formula for effective leadership, there are certainly a mix of competencies and behaviours that are clear differentiators.
1. Your peers, above all else
Employees are the business’ most valuable asset and their best interests should be placed above all else – particularly in difficult times. Decision-making processes must also be collaborative with new ideas, challenging views and differing perspectives being embraced for more robust outcomes.
2. Share, and honestly so
Endeavour to communicate regularly with employees. Ensure engagements are always transparent and as honest as is possible.
3. Sailing isn’t always smooth
There will always be challenges to overcome and risks that can be more effectively managed. However, realism and positivity must be prioritised. “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it
to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” – John Maxwell
4. Objective and composed
As a human being, it is only natural to feel pressure and to deliberate over uncertainties. As the captain of the ship, you need to remain composed, timeously rationalise and maintain objectivity – through the various peaks and troughs.
5. Emotional intelligence
The ability to genuinely display compassion and empathy are invaluable traits, especially in modern day.
6. A State of equilibrium
Learning from the lessons of yesterday while focusing on the task at hand today and simultaneously preparing for what’s anticipated tomorrow – is no easy feat. However, it is a necessary one. Sticking to the same formula can be limiting. Equally, misplaced spontaneity can be disruptive and costly.
7. Celebrate every achievement
It is safe to say that we are all rowing in the same boat however, some are much more affected than others. While it may be difficult to see the wood from the trees, it is important to continue to acknowledge the positives and celebrate even the smallest wins.