Leadership is a term that is thrown around a lot in the business world, but what does it really mean? According to Patty Karuaihe-Martin, Managing Director of NamibRe, leadership is about taking charge of a group of people, serving them, and creating a conducive environment for them to thrive. Patty believes in empowering her team and providing them with the necessary tools to succeed.

One of the key aspects of Patty’s leadership style is servant leadership. This approach is all about serving the team, rather than the other way around. She believes in catching her team members when they fall and creating a foundation that remains solid. Trust is a crucial component of her leadership style, as is respect for consequences.
Patty’s leadership style has evolved over time. Initially, her goals and objectives were very personal, but as she gained more experience, she recognized the importance of widening her scope to focus on the impact her organization has on the planet, people, and profit. With the mounting global pressure to assess our impact on the environment, responsibilities have enlarged regardless of the industry we work in.
To grow the leaders in her organization, Patty believes in supporting a continuous professional environment that encourages professional judgement and impact on the communities we live in. She invests in training and creating opportunities for her staff, and emphasizes thought leadership and continuous professional development. She advocates for building women’s leadership and is tenacious about getting the Namibian Women in Finance annual initiative successfully established in Namibia.
Patty’s ultimate goal is to establish a NamibRe Insurance Academy with various types of training to grow skills and promote thought leadership, towards a sustainable insurance business. She will soon launch the NamibRe Graduate Development Programme, a 3-year programme for graduates straight from university, taking them through various layers until they qualify as insurance experts. These young professionals will serve back to the community and the Namibian economy.
Patty’s leadership style is not just limited to her organization, but extends to the JP Karuaihe Foundation, established in memory of judge JP Karuaihe, which funds underprivileged Namibian students and has since 1999 funded over 70 deserving students, currently lawyers, directors, judges adding value to the country’s socioeconomic development.
In conclusion, Patty Karuaihe-Martin’s leadership style is all about serving her team, catching them when they fall, and empowering them to succeed. She recognizes the importance of continuous professional development and building women’s leadership. She is tenacious about establishing sustainable insurance businesses and providing underprivileged Namibian students with opportunities to succeed.