Kali Bagary, CEO, The Data Company Group, asked the all-important start out questions: Are you aware that we are in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? That data is the New Oil for the global economy?
He showed that the problem businesses face is that their data is held in spreadsheets, databases, systems and that they struggle to get the data they need to make informed business decisions. Businesses have invested large budgets to deliver data warehouse projects with them, often taking far too long and not delivering the business benefits.
As Kali showed in his presentation, there is a need to take a step by step journey through business use cases that illustrates what is needed to enable business users to get value from data. It is essential to have a reference data architecture to deliver scalable and repeatable solutions
He proposed a data and systems architecture that can help businesses use inhouse and external data to support a digital transformation journey and leverage the legacy assets.
Finally, he finished off with a use case showing how the collaboration in a new ecosystem can deliver business benefits in weeks not months and years.