Our NNAC claims, underwriting and reinsurance teams have moved into their wing of our new head office in Kloof, KZN, to be followed early in the new year 2024 by the final phase of the move when the rest of our teams will move in.
Picture this: A Day filled with anticipation, enthusiasm, and an overwhelming sense of pride. Staff, board members, and executives all gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Head of Finance, Deloshnie Naidoo, beautifully summed up the excitement of the day: “Today turned a common day into an absolute sense of pride and hope. It changed the mindset of all employees from routine into joy. Today we realised an ordinary opportunity became a blessing.”
But it didn’t stop there. Deloshnie continued, “All in all, everyone was so excited, and we could visualise what we can do in the office. It was almost a sense of togetherness, and it’s somewhere we can now call home.”
This move signifies more than just changing locations; it’s a fresh chapter filled with endless possibilities, collaboration, and innovation. We can’t wait to see where this new journey takes us, and we’re thrilled to share it with all of you!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates from our new home.
NNAC – People you can talk to