Reza Hendrickse, Portfolio Manager at PPS Investments The investment landscape has been a rollercoaster in recent years, with uncertainties challenging both investors and wealth …
Tough economic headwinds provide exciting opportunities for agile, customer-centric fintechs
By Andy Jury, CEO at Mukuru At this time of the year there is usually a flurry of articles attempting to lay out trends to look out for in various industries over the coming months. This is a …
Alignment is a key component of digital transformation
By Marcia Le Roux, SSP More and more insurers are realising the benefits of switching to digital. But before you embark on a digital transformation drive, it’s important to ensure that the …
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AI in insurance – and why it shouldn’t scare you
By: Charlotte Koep, COO of Root Some call artificial intelligence (AI) the peak of human ingenuity. Although still in its infancy, the successes of AI are mounting. The technology’s ability …
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Write-offs vs recoveries: What determines the fate of a car in case of an accident?
By: Head of MiWay Blink, Keletso Mpisane Ever wondered what factors determine whether to repair or write off a vehicle that's been damaged in an accident? Different …
The strategic value of business insurance in uncertain times
By: Khensane Mangwane, Claims Specialist at SHA Risk Specialists In tough economic conditions like the present, businesses may be tempted to forgo business insurance or reduce their …
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