Guy Holwill, CEO of Fairbairn Consult Giving advice has always been about improving client outcomes – otherwise, you’re just flogging products. Until now, advice has pretty much been …
January 2022 Contents page
Yes we Can! Have we been brave enough during the past two years? Have we stared the devil of a pandemic in the face, or have we cowered in its possibilities? Only time will tell if we were brave …
A localised personal touch
With the fourth wave of COVID Still hanging over us in middle December, I spent some time with Jonathan Rosenberg, the CEO of Renasa Insurance, looking back at 2021 with its economic challenges and …
Outlook 2022: Look beyond Omicron volatility
Bryn Hatty, CIO, Stonehage Fleming Economic resilience, opportunities in unloved markets and attractively priced local markets After a rollercoaster year for global markets, the early …
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How a pesky pandemic reshaped insurance
Berniece Hieckmann, Head of Metropolitan GetUp Covid-19 catalysed an evolution of the insurance industry, creating more value for consumers Words like ‘pivot’, ‘agility’ and ‘digital …
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How the pandemic has accelerated the industry’s move to needs-matched insurance
Sean Hanlon, Executive Director: Sales & Distribution at BrightRock, reflects on the year that was, and how the life insurance’s trajectory towards needs-matched cover looks set to …