COVER attended the Insurance Institute of the Western Cape’s annual general meeting, in February 2024.
The IIWC president, Robyn Carter, shared a retrospective look at the year that has passed, highlighting the many achievements that had been reached by the council over the last year, and thanked the collective effort of the council, members, and generous industry support, which combined to make 2023 a special year.
2023 Highlights
The IIWC hosted 10 successful webinars and continued to drive collaboration with the launch of the coastal collaboration session, which was a standout. Other new initiatives include Insurance Nerd Day, which was well received.
Speaking of new initiatives, the Brand and Media stream launched a successful micro podcast series and continued to help inform members with their monthly newsletter. Additionally, the Under 35’s once again saw success in 2023, and the RISE mentorship program continued to gain momentum pairing 20 mentees with industry mentors.
The charities that the IIWC support continued to thrive in 2023, with the charity stream keeping their ear to the ground to ensure that, outside of the traditional fundraising and commitments, assistance was given when needed.
A highlight for the Percy Bartley house of young men, was a Table Mountain guided hike and cable car experience – a first for most of the young men.
even better
Licensed non-life insurer and FSP.
The value of personal brand
AGM attendees enjoyed good coffee and snacks, whilst listening to a motivational talk on personal branding, given by guest speaker Adam Rabie of Vodacom.
Mr Rabie presented the value of personal brand in the digital age, whilst reinforcing the interplay and valuable role that relationships and personal connection play in building and maintaining a personal brand.
When digital communication channels are leveraged, individuals and businesses alike can leverage the brand that they have built to gain credibility, trust, and recognition in a location agnostic manner.
“Your personal brand is a direct reflection of your experiences and the journey that you’ve been through, which culminate in your story” – Adam Rabie, Vodacom
Mr Rabie showcased a great example of how he was able to leverage the personal brand that he had taken time to build in Johannesburg, when faced with a new business challenge in a different city with no recognition and network.
By strategically leveraging thought leadership contributions in a magazine, Mr Rabie was able to gain credibility and recognition in a different city, by having copies sent to key contacts in Cape Town.
2024 IIWC Council member announcements
The morning AGM session ended with thanks given to council members that are stepping down, and announcements of new council members, and co-opt members. 2024 looks bright for the IIWC with some talented additions to further strengthen the council, and its ability to execute its mission for the year ahead.
COVER looks forward to seeing the continued value that the Insurance Institute of the Western Cape adds to the industry.
Happy networking!